II Ardas II ਅਰਦਾਸ |
Ardas, ਅਰਦਾਸ, is a humble prayer to God, by means of which a Sikhs remembers and respects the sacrifices made by the Gurus and Sikhs to uphold religious freedom and the Sikh faith. Ardas means a request, a supplication, a prayer, a petition or an address to a superior authority. Ardas is performed at the culmination of the morning and evening prayer and at the start or end of any religious function or program in the Gurdwara, house or anywhere else and at every occasion of joy or sorrow in a family. Ardas is performed while standing with hands pressed together.

thakur tum peh ardaas
You are the Master, our prayer is to
pind sabh tayree raas
body and life are your gifts.
maat pitaa ham baarik tayray
are our mother and father, we are your children.
kirpaa meh sookh ghanayray.
Your grace, we have many joys.
na jaanai tumraa ant.
one knows your limits.
tay oochaa bhagvant
Divine! You are the highest of the high.
samagree tumrai sutir dharee
of creation is strung on Your thread, subject to your divine Law.
tay hoay so aagi-aakaaree.
creation is obedient to Your Laws.
gat mit tum hee jaanee.
alone know Your state and extent.
das sadaa kurbaanee.
Your servants always humble themselves before you.
Ong Kaar Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
is One God and all victory is His.
Bhagauti Ji Sahai, Var Siri Bhagauti Ji Ki Paatshahi Dasveen
Almighty God assist us.
Tenth Master’s Ballad to Almighty God
bhagauti simmar kai Gur Nanak laeen
first remembered God, turn your thoughts
to Guru Nanak.
Angad Gur te Amardas Ramdasai hoieen
remember Guru Angad, Guru Amar Das and Guru Ram Das.
May they help us.
Hargobind non, simrau Siri Har Rai
Hargobind non simrau Siri Har Rai Remember
Guru Arjan,
Hargobind and Guru Har Rai.
Harkrishan dhiaeeai, jis dithe sabh dukh jaie
Sri HarKrishan
sight dispels all sufferings.
Bahadar simriye ghar nau nidh awai Dhaai. Sabh thaaeen hoi sahai
Bahadar simriye ghar nau nidh awai Dhaai. Sabh thaaeen hoi sahai
Guru Tegh Bahadur , to help us inculcate
divine virtues within.
Gurus, kindly help us everywhere.
Patshah Siri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib Ji, Sabh thaaeen hoai sahai
the revered tenth Master, Guru Gobind
Singh, assist us at all times.
Patshahian di jot Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji de path didar da dheyan dhar ke
Ji Waheguru!
on the teachings of
Guru Granth Sahib which embodies the wisdom of the ten Gurus and call on the
Divine, saying Waheguru.
piarian, chohan sahibzadian,
of the deeds of the five beloved ones, of Guru Gobind Singh’s four sons,
the forty martyrs;
jappian, tapian, jinhan nam jappia wand chhakia deg chalai teg wahi dekh ke
undith keetaa
who were resolute, devout, steadfast in
their faith in the Divine, generous to all, who practised charity
through free kitchens, fought for truth and were forgiving.
piarian sachiarian di kamaaee da dhiaan dhar ke
Ji bolo Ji Waheguru!
Khalsa, reflect on their selfless deeds and call on the Divine, saying
singhan singhanian ne dharam hait sees ditte, band band katae,
those men and women who were beheaded, who had their limbs cut off joint by
joint in their fight for righteousness and justice,
luhaian, charkhian te charhe, aarian nal chiraae gae,
had their scalps removed,
were mounted on spiked wheels and broken into pieces, who had their bodies sawn
di seva laee kurbanian kithian, dharam naheen hariaa, sikhi kesan suasan naal
sacrificed their lives to upkeep the dignity of Gurdwaras, who did not abandon their Sikh faith, nor
give up their unshorn hair till their last breath.
dee kamaaee da dhiaan dhar ke Khalsa ji! bolo ji Waheguru!
Khalsa, reflect on their selfless deeds and call on the Divine, saying
takhtan sarbatt gurduaarian da dhiaan dhar ke bolo ji Waheguru!
your thoughts to the five seats of Sikh authority and all the Gurdwaras and
on the Divine, saying Waheguru.
sarbatt khalsa ji ki ardaas hai ji, sarbatt khalsa ji ko
Waheguru Waheguru chitt aawai,
and foremost, the Khalsa prays for remembrance of Waheguru,
aawan kaa sadkaa sarab sukh howai.
that by this remembrance may all be blessed with peace.
jahaan khalsa ji sahib tahaan tahaan rachhiaa riaayat, deg teg fateh, birdd kee
paij, panth ki jeet, siri saheb ji sahaae,
God’s grace and protection extend to the Khalsa wherever he may be, may there
always be abundance, freedom from tyranny, protection of honour, victory of the
virtuous, and may the sword be our
Ji ke bol baale, bolo Ji Waheguru!
the Khalsa be ever ascending. Call on
the Divine, saying Waheguru.
noon sikhi daan, kes daan rehitt daan, bibaik daan, visah daan, bharosa daan,
danaan sir daan naam daan,
Grant your Sikhs true knowledge of their faith, the
gift of uncut hair, good conduct, discerning intellect, trust and abiding faith
in the One and above all,
gift of the divine Name.
Amritsar ji de ishnaan, chowkian, jhande, bunge, jugo jug attal
all stay connected to Amritsar, and may the singing of hymns, flags, and
charitable shelters (representations of
religious freedom) be everlasting.
ka jaikaar bolo Ji Waheguru!
truth and justice triumph. Call on the Divine, saying Waheguru.
daa man neevan, matt uchee. matt daa
rakha aap Waheguru!
the Sikhs remain humble yet wise
Waheguru as the protector of their wisdom.
Akaal Purkh aapne panth de sadaa sahaaee dataar jeeo, Siri Nankaana sahib te
hor gurduaarian gurdhaman de jinhan ton panth noon vichhoria giaa hai, khulhe
darshan deedaar te sewaa sambhaal daa daan Khalsa ji noon bakhsho
eternal and benevolent Lord, grant the Khalsa free access to Nanakana Sahib and
other places of worship (in Pakistan).
nimanian de maan, nitaniaan de taan, niotiaan di ot, sachhe pittaa Waheguru,
aap de hazoor ……. dee ardaas hai jee
Honour of the humble, Strength of the weak, Supporter of the helpless, Our True
Father, Waheguru, we humbly pray to you…..
wadhaa ghaata bhul chukk maaf karnee. sarbatt de kaaraj raas karne.
any mistakes. Extend your helping hand
to all.
piaare mail jinhaan miliaan, tera naam
chitt aawe.
us the association of those who make us remember you.
naam charhdi kalaa, tere bhane sarbatt
daa bhalaa.
Nanak’s name be ever glorious and in Your Will we pray for the welfare of
all of humanity.
Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.
Khalsa belongs to Waheguru, victory too is Waheguru’s.
aagya bhyee akaal ki tabai chla-ay-o panth
aagya bhyee akaal ki tabai chla-ay-o panth
Panth was created by His Will.
sikkhan ko hukam hai Guru manyo Granth
Sikhs are commanded to accept the Granth Sahib as their Guru, their Guide.
Granth Ji manyo pargat Guran ki dayh
the Guru Granth as the embodiment of the Gurus’ teachings.
prabh ko milbo ch-hai khoj shabad meh
who seeks the Divine will find Him by studying the Guru’s Shabad (the Word).
karega khalsa aaki r-hai na koi
pure shall rule and the oppressors will
be defeated.
ho-ay sabh milaingay bachay sharan jo
separated from the Sangat will come together again under His protection.
naam jahaaj hai chareh so uttrey paar
Name of the Divine is like a ship; one
who boards it is carried across safely.
sharda kar sev de, Gur paar utaran haar
who put the teachings into practice by serving humanity with devotion are taken
across by the Guru.
so nihaal , Sat Sri Akal
utters, “True is the Timeless One”,
shall be happy.
Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.
Khalsa belongs to Waheguru, victory too is Waheguru’s.
To the One Creator of Creation, the All Glorious and All Victorious Being. We ask Thy blessing on us all. To Thee we offer this prayer as recited by the Tenth Guru.
After first worshipping the Adi Shakti, the Primal Power, let us meditate on Guru Nanak, Guru Angad, then Gurus Amar Das and Ram Das, may they grant us their protection. Remember Gurus Arjun, Hargobind, and Siri Har Rai. Meditate upon Siri Har Krishan, upon seeing whom, all sufferings shall depart. Meditate on Guru Teg Bahadur and the nine treasures shall come to us. May he grant us every assistance. Great, great is Guru Gobind Singh, Protector of the Faith and Master of the Unity, may he protect us everywhere. Remember the Light of the Ten Gurus, the Living Guru, the Word of God and Truth of truths, the Siri Guru Granth Sahib. By meditating the Word. all sufferings vanish. Meditate, Oh Khalsa Ji, Sat Nam! Siri Whahe Guru!
Remember the four sons of the Tenth Master, the Five Beloved Ones, the Forty Liberated Ones, the Four Holy Thrones, all the dwelling places of the Guru. Meditate, Oh Khalsa Ji! Sat Nam! Siri Whahe Guru! those who were true to the Guru, who meditated on the Nam, who shared their earnings and sacrificed for righteousness; think of their deeds, Oh Khalsa Ji! Sat Nam! Siri Whahe Guru! Remember those who were broken by the wheel, cut up limb by limb, who gave their scalps but not their hair, and those ladies, who for the sacrifice for the Truth, gave their dear children and suffered through hunger and pain at the hands of the enemy, but never gave up their faith and their determination to live according to Sikh Dharma, with all their hair, to their last breath. Meditate, Oh Khalsa Ji! Sat nam! Siri Whahe Guru!
Oh lord, bless Thy devotees to ever live in the righteousness of true disciples. Give us the life of the living principle of the Guru's discipline.Grant us the insight, the trust, and the blessing of blessings, Thy Name, and a sight and a dip in the nectar tank of Thy Holy Harimandir Sahib. May all flags of the Khalsa, all seats of religious authority, our ashrams and homes prevail through all times. now call on god, Oh Khalsa Ji! Sat Nam! Siri Whahe Guru!
Now let us again offer our prayer, let us again remember the Name, Whahe Guru! Whahe Guru! Whahe Guru! For as we think of God so may we be blessed. May God's Grace and Protection extend to all bodies of the Khalsa wherever we may be.
May the Lord's Glory be fulfilled and all God's Will prevail. May we receive victory from the sword of righteousness (degh) and the charity of brotherhood and sisterhood (tegh). May the Holy Sword of God assist us. May the Khalsa always prevail.
May the choirs of devotees, our banners and mansions abide forever and ever. May the realm of justice come. May the disciples unite in love. May the disciples be humble but our wisdom be exalted in the keeping of the Lord. Oh, Khalsa Ji, say that God is great! Sat Nam! Siri Whahe Guru!
Oh True King, Oh Universal Mother, in the ambrosial hours we have sung Thy sweet hymns, heard Thy life giving Word and reflected upon Thy manifold blessings. May all these things find a loving place in our hearts and serve to draw our souls closer to Thee. Save us, Oh Lord, from the five sins of lust, anger, greed, pride, and attachment, but keep us always attached to Thy Lotus Feet. Grant to us the gift of Sikh Dharma, the gift of Thy Name, the gifts of faith and confidence in Thee and of reading and understanding Thy Holy Word.
Oh, kind Father, Oh Loving Mother, it is by Thy Grace that we have been granted peace and happiness. May Thy Grace extend to our labors of each day so that we may do what is right according to Thy Will. Please Give us the light and understanding so that we may know what pleases thee. We further offer this prayer in Thy Presence, Oh, Lord. In the spirit of Guru Teg Bahadur, with our heads bowed to Akal Purkh, the infinite essence which pervades everywhere and in every one, we pray that all peoples of the world be granted the freedom to worship the divine creator in their own way. May the era of tyranny and oppression come to an end, and all the people of the Earth live in God as One.
Please forgive us our sins. Help us that we may keep ourselves pure. Let us always be in the company people of love and may we always remember thy Name in their presence. Through Nanak may Thy Name forever increase and Thy spirit be exalted, and May all people prosper by thy grace. Nanak Nam charhdi kala, tere bhane sarbat da bhala.
Whahe Guru Ji ka Khalsa! Whahe Guru Ji Ki Feteh!!
To the One Creator of Creation, the All Glorious and All Victorious Being. We ask Thy blessing on us all. To Thee we offer this prayer as recited by the Tenth Guru.
After first worshipping the Adi Shakti, the Primal Power, let us meditate on Guru Nanak, Guru Angad, then Gurus Amar Das and Ram Das, may they grant us their protection. Remember Gurus Arjun, Hargobind, and Siri Har Rai. Meditate upon Siri Har Krishan, upon seeing whom, all sufferings shall depart. Meditate on Guru Teg Bahadur and the nine treasures shall come to us. May he grant us every assistance. Great, great is Guru Gobind Singh, Protector of the Faith and Master of the Unity, may he protect us everywhere. Remember the Light of the Ten Gurus, the Living Guru, the Word of God and Truth of truths, the Siri Guru Granth Sahib. By meditating the Word. all sufferings vanish. Meditate, Oh Khalsa Ji, Sat Nam! Siri Whahe Guru!
Remember the four sons of the Tenth Master, the Five Beloved Ones, the Forty Liberated Ones, the Four Holy Thrones, all the dwelling places of the Guru. Meditate, Oh Khalsa Ji! Sat Nam! Siri Whahe Guru! those who were true to the Guru, who meditated on the Nam, who shared their earnings and sacrificed for righteousness; think of their deeds, Oh Khalsa Ji! Sat Nam! Siri Whahe Guru! Remember those who were broken by the wheel, cut up limb by limb, who gave their scalps but not their hair, and those ladies, who for the sacrifice for the Truth, gave their dear children and suffered through hunger and pain at the hands of the enemy, but never gave up their faith and their determination to live according to Sikh Dharma, with all their hair, to their last breath. Meditate, Oh Khalsa Ji! Sat nam! Siri Whahe Guru!
Oh lord, bless Thy devotees to ever live in the righteousness of true disciples. Give us the life of the living principle of the Guru's discipline.Grant us the insight, the trust, and the blessing of blessings, Thy Name, and a sight and a dip in the nectar tank of Thy Holy Harimandir Sahib. May all flags of the Khalsa, all seats of religious authority, our ashrams and homes prevail through all times. now call on god, Oh Khalsa Ji! Sat Nam! Siri Whahe Guru!
Now let us again offer our prayer, let us again remember the Name, Whahe Guru! Whahe Guru! Whahe Guru! For as we think of God so may we be blessed. May God's Grace and Protection extend to all bodies of the Khalsa wherever we may be.
May the Lord's Glory be fulfilled and all God's Will prevail. May we receive victory from the sword of righteousness (degh) and the charity of brotherhood and sisterhood (tegh). May the Holy Sword of God assist us. May the Khalsa always prevail.
May the choirs of devotees, our banners and mansions abide forever and ever. May the realm of justice come. May the disciples unite in love. May the disciples be humble but our wisdom be exalted in the keeping of the Lord. Oh, Khalsa Ji, say that God is great! Sat Nam! Siri Whahe Guru!
Oh True King, Oh Universal Mother, in the ambrosial hours we have sung Thy sweet hymns, heard Thy life giving Word and reflected upon Thy manifold blessings. May all these things find a loving place in our hearts and serve to draw our souls closer to Thee. Save us, Oh Lord, from the five sins of lust, anger, greed, pride, and attachment, but keep us always attached to Thy Lotus Feet. Grant to us the gift of Sikh Dharma, the gift of Thy Name, the gifts of faith and confidence in Thee and of reading and understanding Thy Holy Word.
Oh, kind Father, Oh Loving Mother, it is by Thy Grace that we have been granted peace and happiness. May Thy Grace extend to our labors of each day so that we may do what is right according to Thy Will. Please Give us the light and understanding so that we may know what pleases thee. We further offer this prayer in Thy Presence, Oh, Lord. In the spirit of Guru Teg Bahadur, with our heads bowed to Akal Purkh, the infinite essence which pervades everywhere and in every one, we pray that all peoples of the world be granted the freedom to worship the divine creator in their own way. May the era of tyranny and oppression come to an end, and all the people of the Earth live in God as One.
Please forgive us our sins. Help us that we may keep ourselves pure. Let us always be in the company people of love and may we always remember thy Name in their presence. Through Nanak may Thy Name forever increase and Thy spirit be exalted, and May all people prosper by thy grace. Nanak Nam charhdi kala, tere bhane sarbat da bhala.
Whahe Guru Ji ka Khalsa! Whahe Guru Ji Ki Feteh!!
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